ERIS (ERC Research Information System) is an IT system and application for data exploration, search, analysis, visualization, portfolio analysis and reporting for ERC funding activities, projects and their outputs. It allows access to projects', researchers', and host institutions' data, bibliometrics, scientific taxonomies such as ERCEA's MFR, and advanced analytic functionalities.
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ERIS has been completely re-written and re-designed in 2023, compared to the previous ERIS that was in use until now, developed listening to requests and comments from users.
ERIS is useful to everyone that needs to search for data or documents or that needs to define portfolios of projects, proposals, publications or of other sets of data, or to visualise and obtain information on the ERC activities. In the new ERIS you will find new visualisations, more search and portfolio defining tools, with the possibility to slice/select/find what you need at all levels. The system is designed to be able to be developed in a faster way to add more functionalities and allow use of more and several types of data, if users request it.