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  • Cover image of ERC 2019 advanced grants examples

    Advanced Grants 2019: Examples of projects

    Viruses in bats: What’s in store for usAs the entire world has experienced in the last few months, bats can be the source of viruses that are sometimes able to jump across to humans and cause widespread pandemics. However, bats can be infected by…
    Viruses in bats: What’s in store for usAs the entire world has experienced in the last few months, bats can be the source of viruses that are sometimes able to jump across to humans…
    Viruses in bats: What’s in store for usAs the entire world has experienced in the last few months, bats can be the source of viruses that are…
    Viruses in bats: What’s in store for usAs the entire world has experienced in the last few months, bats can be the source of viruses that are sometimes able to jump across to…
    Viruses in bats: What’s in store for usAs the entire world has experienced in the last few months, bats can be the source of…
  • Cover image of ERC 2019 consolidator grants examples

    ERC 2019 Consolidator Grants examples

    Researchers of 37 nationalities received 2019 Consolidator Grant funding for projects based in 24 different countries across Europe. The research conducted by the 301 new ERC grant recipients covers a wide range of topics in physical sciences and…
    Researchers of 37 nationalities received 2019 Consolidator Grant funding for projects based in 24 different countries across Europe. The research conducted by the 301 new ERC grant…
    Researchers of 37 nationalities received 2019 Consolidator Grant funding for projects based in 24 different countries across Europe. The research…
    Researchers of 37 nationalities received 2019 Consolidator Grant funding for projects based in 24 different countries across Europe. The research conducted by the 301 new ERC…
    Researchers of 37 nationalities received 2019 Consolidator Grant funding for projects based in 24 different countries across…
  • Cover image of ERC 2019 Synergy Grants examples

    ERC 2019 Synergy Grants examples

    To win an ERC Synergy Grant, scientists must demonstrate that their proposed research cannot be carried out by a single investigator working alone. The normal “excellence” criteria for successful ERC grant applications therefore takes on an…
    To win an ERC Synergy Grant, scientists must demonstrate that their proposed research cannot be carried out by a single investigator working alone. The normal “excellence” criteria for…
    To win an ERC Synergy Grant, scientists must demonstrate that their proposed research cannot be carried out by a single investigator working alone…
    To win an ERC Synergy Grant, scientists must demonstrate that their proposed research cannot be carried out by a single investigator working alone. The normal “excellence”…
    To win an ERC Synergy Grant, scientists must demonstrate that their proposed research cannot be carried out by a single…
  • Cover image of Highlighted research projects: Starting Grant 2019

    Highlighted research projects: Starting Grant 2019

    Some examples of ERC 2019 Starting Grants winners.Single cell organisms and their complex livesLife at the microscale is remarkably sophisticated. The simplest organisms, formed by a single cell, have the ability to react to their surroundings and…
    Some examples of ERC 2019 Starting Grants winners.Single cell organisms and their complex livesLife at the microscale is remarkably sophisticated. The simplest organisms, formed by a…
    Some examples of ERC 2019 Starting Grants winners.Single cell organisms and their complex livesLife at the microscale is remarkably sophisticated…
    Some examples of ERC 2019 Starting Grants winners.Single cell organisms and their complex livesLife at the microscale is remarkably sophisticated. The simplest organisms,…
    Some examples of ERC 2019 Starting Grants winners.Single cell organisms and their complex livesLife at the microscale is…
  • Cover image of Second round winners in 2019 - Proof of Concept call

    Second round winners in 2019 - Proof of Concept call

    The Proof of Concept grant scheme has reached a milestone - the 1000th project has been approved for funding since the scheme started in 2011. The winning project, to covert underwater communication cables for use in earthquake detection, is…
    The Proof of Concept grant scheme has reached a milestone - the 1000th project has been approved for funding since the scheme started in 2011. The winning project, to covert underwater…
    The Proof of Concept grant scheme has reached a milestone - the 1000th project has been approved for funding since the scheme started in 2011. The…
    The Proof of Concept grant scheme has reached a milestone - the 1000th project has been approved for funding since the scheme started in 2011. The winning project, to covert…
    The Proof of Concept grant scheme has reached a milestone - the 1000th project has been approved for funding since the…
  • Cover image of First round winners in 2019 - Proof of Concept call

    First round winners in 2019 - Proof of Concept call

    Projects awarded ERC Proof of Concept grants are extremely varied and this holds true for the first round of 2019 winners. Three examples from the latest batch of 54 research projects include a project to make antibiotic research programmes more…
    Projects awarded ERC Proof of Concept grants are extremely varied and this holds true for the first round of 2019 winners. Three examples from the latest batch of 54 research projects…
    Projects awarded ERC Proof of Concept grants are extremely varied and this holds true for the first round of 2019 winners. Three examples from the…
    Projects awarded ERC Proof of Concept grants are extremely varied and this holds true for the first round of 2019 winners. Three examples from the latest batch of 54 research…
    Projects awarded ERC Proof of Concept grants are extremely varied and this holds true for the first round of 2019 winners…
  • Cover image of ERC 2018 Consolidator Grants highlighted projects

    ERC 2018 Consolidator Grants highlighted projects

    How does life start?© Istock-Getty ImagesThe moment when life is made, when cells from two different individuals fuse together to create a new being, is as fascinating a moment as they come. It's at this point that the zygote, the most powerful type…
    How does life start?© Istock-Getty ImagesThe moment when life is made, when cells from two different individuals fuse together to create a new being, is as fascinating a moment as they…
    How does life start?© Istock-Getty ImagesThe moment when life is made, when cells from two different individuals fuse together to create a new being,…
    How does life start?© Istock-Getty ImagesThe moment when life is made, when cells from two different individuals fuse together to create a new being, is as fascinating a…
    How does life start?© Istock-Getty ImagesThe moment when life is made, when cells from two different individuals fuse…
  • Cover image of ERC Proof of Concept grant - Examples of research projects (2 round)

    ERC Proof of Concept grant - Examples of research projects (2 round)

    DECIPHERING SOCIAL MEDIA ALGORITHMS© ShutterstockPersonalization algorithms—filtering content on the basis of someone's profile—increasingly mediate the web experience of users. By forging a specific reality for each individual, they determine which…
    DECIPHERING SOCIAL MEDIA ALGORITHMS© ShutterstockPersonalization algorithms—filtering content on the basis of someone's profile—increasingly mediate the web experience of users. By…
    DECIPHERING SOCIAL MEDIA ALGORITHMS© ShutterstockPersonalization algorithms—filtering content on the basis of someone's profile—increasingly mediate…
    DECIPHERING SOCIAL MEDIA ALGORITHMS© ShutterstockPersonalization algorithms—filtering content on the basis of someone's profile—increasingly mediate the web experience of…
    DECIPHERING SOCIAL MEDIA ALGORITHMS© ShutterstockPersonalization algorithms—filtering content on the basis of someone's…
  • Cover image of Initial results of recent grant calls

    Initial results of recent grant calls

    Since the call opening in October 2017, 2018 Consolidator Grant competition is well under way.Some interesting initial statistics:2,389 applications were received by the cut-off date.The highest number of applications was submitted in the domain of…
    Since the call opening in October 2017, 2018 Consolidator Grant competition is well under way.Some interesting initial statistics:2,389 applications were received by the cut-off date…
    Since the call opening in October 2017, 2018 Consolidator Grant competition is well under way.Some interesting initial statistics:2,389 applications…
    Since the call opening in October 2017, 2018 Consolidator Grant competition is well under way.Some interesting initial statistics:2,389 applications were received by the cut…
    Since the call opening in October 2017, 2018 Consolidator Grant competition is well under way.Some interesting initial…