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Displaying 11 - 20 of 36
  • Cover image of Proof of Concept 2021 highlighted projects

    Proof of Concept: Examples of projects (Call 1 of 2022)

    The latest ERC Proof of Concept funded projects are as always, extremely varied. We focus below on examples linked to preventing harmful adolescent behaviour, sustainable wastewater treatment, an app to help musicians learn how to play in a group,…
    The latest ERC Proof of Concept funded projects are as always, extremely varied. We focus below on examples linked to preventing harmful adolescent behaviour, sustainable wastewater…
    The latest ERC Proof of Concept funded projects are as always, extremely varied. We focus below on examples linked to preventing harmful adolescent…
    The latest ERC Proof of Concept funded projects are as always, extremely varied. We focus below on examples linked to preventing harmful adolescent behaviour, sustainable…
    The latest ERC Proof of Concept funded projects are as always, extremely varied. We focus below on examples linked to…
  • Cover image of ERC Starting Grants 2021 - project highlights

    ERC Starting Grants 2021 - project highlights

    Following the first call for proposals under the EU’s new R I programme, Horizon Europe, €619 million will be invested in excellent projects dreamed up by scientists and scholars. Here are a few examples of research to be funded with ERC Starting…
    Following the first call for proposals under the EU’s new R I programme, Horizon Europe, €619 million will be invested in excellent projects dreamed up by scientists and scholars. Here…
    Following the first call for proposals under the EU’s new R I programme, Horizon Europe, €619 million will be invested in excellent projects dreamed…
    Following the first call for proposals under the EU’s new R I programme, Horizon Europe, €619 million will be invested in excellent projects dreamed up by scientists and…
    Following the first call for proposals under the EU’s new R I programme, Horizon Europe, €619 million will be invested in…
    Call highlights
  • Cover image of ERC Advanced Grant project examples 2020

    ERC Advanced Grant project examples 2020

    Why public opinion doesn’t always transfer to policy@ GettyImagesIn democracies, policies are expected to correspond to public opinion. Yet, studies show that in most democracies, the link between what people want and the policies they get is…
    Why public opinion doesn’t always transfer to policy@ GettyImagesIn democracies, policies are expected to correspond to public opinion. Yet, studies show that in most democracies, the…
    Why public opinion doesn’t always transfer to policy@ GettyImagesIn democracies, policies are expected to correspond to public opinion. Yet, studies…
    Why public opinion doesn’t always transfer to policy@ GettyImagesIn democracies, policies are expected to correspond to public opinion. Yet, studies show that in most…
    Why public opinion doesn’t always transfer to policy@ GettyImagesIn democracies, policies are expected to correspond to…
    Call highlights
  • Cover image of 3rd round recipients of 2020 - Proof of Concept call funding

    3rd round recipients of 2020 - Proof of Concept call funding

    Helping conflict resolution by sharing cultural expertiseMulticultural communities need cultural expertise to solve conflicts. Currently, this knowledge is not available outside specialised circles of legal professionals who offer niche and…
    Helping conflict resolution by sharing cultural expertiseMulticultural communities need cultural expertise to solve conflicts. Currently, this knowledge is not available outside…
    Helping conflict resolution by sharing cultural expertiseMulticultural communities need cultural expertise to solve conflicts. Currently, this…
    Helping conflict resolution by sharing cultural expertiseMulticultural communities need cultural expertise to solve conflicts. Currently, this knowledge is not available…
    Helping conflict resolution by sharing cultural expertiseMulticultural communities need cultural expertise to solve…
  • Cover image of ERC Synergy Grant project examples 2020

    ERC Synergy Grant project examples 2020

    The role of oceans in shaping our historyFrom the vast remains of shell mounds in Brazil to records of big hunts that decimated whale populations for the sake of lighting the streets of Europe, there is ample evidence that various human societies…
    The role of oceans in shaping our historyFrom the vast remains of shell mounds in Brazil to records of big hunts that decimated whale populations for the sake of lighting the streets…
    The role of oceans in shaping our historyFrom the vast remains of shell mounds in Brazil to records of big hunts that decimated whale populations for…
    The role of oceans in shaping our historyFrom the vast remains of shell mounds in Brazil to records of big hunts that decimated whale populations for the sake of lighting the…
    The role of oceans in shaping our historyFrom the vast remains of shell mounds in Brazil to records of big hunts that…
    Call highlights
  • Cover image of Third round winners in 2019 - Proof of Concept call

    Third round winners in 2019 - Proof of Concept call

    Projects awarded ERC Proof of Concept grants are extremely varied and this holds true for the third and final round of 2019 winners. Three examples from the latest batch of 76 research projects include a project to develop a safer, tolerable and…
    Projects awarded ERC Proof of Concept grants are extremely varied and this holds true for the third and final round of 2019 winners. Three examples from the latest batch of 76 research…
    Projects awarded ERC Proof of Concept grants are extremely varied and this holds true for the third and final round of 2019 winners. Three examples…
    Projects awarded ERC Proof of Concept grants are extremely varied and this holds true for the third and final round of 2019 winners. Three examples from the latest batch of…
    Projects awarded ERC Proof of Concept grants are extremely varied and this holds true for the third and final round of 2019…
  • Cover image of Highlighted research projects: Starting Grant 2020

    Highlighted research projects: Starting Grant 2020

    Finding an effective vaccination against the fluSoon it’s autumn and the cold season starts again. The influenza virus poses a particular public health threat and worries many of us. A functioning vaccination is therefore crucial to prevent…
    Finding an effective vaccination against the fluSoon it’s autumn and the cold season starts again. The influenza virus poses a particular public health threat and worries many of us. A…
    Finding an effective vaccination against the fluSoon it’s autumn and the cold season starts again. The influenza virus poses a particular public…
    Finding an effective vaccination against the fluSoon it’s autumn and the cold season starts again. The influenza virus poses a particular public health threat and worries…
    Finding an effective vaccination against the fluSoon it’s autumn and the cold season starts again. The influenza virus poses…
    Call highlights
  • Cover image of Second round winners in 2020 - Proof of Concept call

    Second round winners in 2020 - Proof of Concept call

    Gecko inspired grippers for micro assemblySince Adam and Eve’s infamous apple, gripping, handling and releasing objects has been a thoroughly human activity: the hand and fingers combine muscular action with sensing, complemented by feedback from…
    Gecko inspired grippers for micro assemblySince Adam and Eve’s infamous apple, gripping, handling and releasing objects has been a thoroughly human activity: the hand and fingers…
    Gecko inspired grippers for micro assemblySince Adam and Eve’s infamous apple, gripping, handling and releasing objects has been a thoroughly human…
    Gecko inspired grippers for micro assemblySince Adam and Eve’s infamous apple, gripping, handling and releasing objects has been a thoroughly human activity: the hand and…
    Gecko inspired grippers for micro assemblySince Adam and Eve’s infamous apple, gripping, handling and releasing objects has…
  • Cover image of 2019 Research Highlights

    2019 Research Highlights

    Patients’ cells used to 3D-print miniature heart© WileyThe major problems with organ transplants are low numbers of donors and rejection. Tissue engineering promises to create organs and tissues for transplant, offering an alternative approach. To…
    Patients’ cells used to 3D-print miniature heart© WileyThe major problems with organ transplants are low numbers of donors and rejection. Tissue engineering promises to create organs…
    Patients’ cells used to 3D-print miniature heart© WileyThe major problems with organ transplants are low numbers of donors and rejection. Tissue…
    Patients’ cells used to 3D-print miniature heart© WileyThe major problems with organ transplants are low numbers of donors and rejection. Tissue engineering promises to…
    Patients’ cells used to 3D-print miniature heart© WileyThe major problems with organ transplants are low numbers of donors…
    Call highlights
  • Cover image of First round winners in 2020 - Proof of Concept call

    First round winners in 2020 - Proof of Concept call

    Bug detector from MarsDirk Schulze-Makuch is a professor at the Technical University Berlin, where he leads the Astrobiology Research Group and searches for extraterrestrial life. In the course of his research he developed instruments to detect life…
    Bug detector from MarsDirk Schulze-Makuch is a professor at the Technical University Berlin, where he leads the Astrobiology Research Group and searches for extraterrestrial life. In…
    Bug detector from MarsDirk Schulze-Makuch is a professor at the Technical University Berlin, where he leads the Astrobiology Research Group and…
    Bug detector from MarsDirk Schulze-Makuch is a professor at the Technical University Berlin, where he leads the Astrobiology Research Group and searches for extraterrestrial…
    Bug detector from MarsDirk Schulze-Makuch is a professor at the Technical University Berlin, where he leads the Astrobiology…