All news

Displaying 1 - 10 of 33
  • Webinar

    Lump sums in Advanced Grants 2024

    The ERC has been working on introducing a new way of awarding grants, namely as ‘lump sums’, which will be put in place as a pilot scheme for Advanced Grants starting with the 2024 call.What is the background of the decision by the ERC Scientific…
    The ERC has been working on introducing a new way of awarding grants, namely as ‘lump sums’, which will be put in place as a pilot scheme for Advanced Grants starting with the 2024…
    The ERC has been working on introducing a new way of awarding grants, namely as ‘lump sums’, which will be put in place as a pilot scheme for…
    The ERC has been working on introducing a new way of awarding grants, namely as ‘lump sums’, which will be put in place as a pilot scheme for Advanced Grants starting with…
    The ERC has been working on introducing a new way of awarding grants, namely as ‘lump sums’, which will be put in place as a…
  • Statement by the ERC President on association of Switzerland to Horizon Europe

    Statement by the ERC President on association of Switzerland to Horizon Europe

    On behalf of the ERC Scientific Council, I welcome the good news about the Common Understanding announced by the European Commission and the Swiss authorities.This Common Understanding should pave the way for Switzerland’s association to the EU…
    On behalf of the ERC Scientific Council, I welcome the good news about the Common Understanding announced by the European Commission and the Swiss authorities.This Common Understanding…
    On behalf of the ERC Scientific Council, I welcome the good news about the Common Understanding announced by the European Commission and the Swiss…
    On behalf of the ERC Scientific Council, I welcome the good news about the Common Understanding announced by the European Commission and the Swiss authorities.This Common…
    On behalf of the ERC Scientific Council, I welcome the good news about the Common Understanding announced by the European…
  • Applications for ERC Consolidator Grants 2024: Facts and figures

    Applications for ERC Consolidator Grants 2024: Facts and figures

    The ERC Consolidator Grants 2024 call closed for applications on 12 December 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals: The ERC received 2,313 proposals. This is an increase of 8.6% compared to the 2023 call when 2,130…
    The ERC Consolidator Grants 2024 call closed for applications on 12 December 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals: The ERC received 2,313 proposals. This is…
    The ERC Consolidator Grants 2024 call closed for applications on 12 December 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals: The ERC…
    The ERC Consolidator Grants 2024 call closed for applications on 12 December 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals: The ERC received 2,313 proposals…
    The ERC Consolidator Grants 2024 call closed for applications on 12 December 2023. These are the preliminary data on the…
  • deadline

    Extension to deadlines for ERC grant applications

    The closing dates of the Starting and Synergy Grants calls have been postponed due to the situation in the Middle East.
    The closing dates of the Starting and Synergy Grants calls have been postponed due to the situation in the Middle East.
    The closing dates of the Starting and Synergy Grants calls have been postponed due to the situation in the Middle East.
    The closing dates of the Starting and Synergy Grants calls have been postponed due to the situation in the Middle East.
    The closing dates of the Starting and Synergy Grants calls have been postponed due to the situation in the Middle East.
  • EC-UK flag

    Statement by the ERC President on UK association to Horizon Europe

    On behalf of the ERC Scientific Council, I welcome the good news about the agreement in principle on the association of the UK to the EU research and innovation programme Horizon Europe.This decision represents a long-awaited signal for renewed…
    On behalf of the ERC Scientific Council, I welcome the good news about the agreement in principle on the association of the UK to the EU research and innovation programme Horizon…
    On behalf of the ERC Scientific Council, I welcome the good news about the agreement in principle on the association of the UK to the EU research and…
    On behalf of the ERC Scientific Council, I welcome the good news about the agreement in principle on the association of the UK to the EU research and innovation programme…
    On behalf of the ERC Scientific Council, I welcome the good news about the agreement in principle on the association of the…
  • Food 2030

    Frontier research, a key ingredient for achieving sustainable food systems

    More than one hundred projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC) since 2007 have addressed the need for sustainable and future-proof food production and consumption, according to a report published by the ERC today.
    More than one hundred projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC) since 2007 have addressed the need for sustainable and future-proof food production and consumption,…
    More than one hundred projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC) since 2007 have addressed the need for sustainable and future-proof food…
    More than one hundred projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC) since 2007 have addressed the need for sustainable and future-proof food production and…
    More than one hundred projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC) since 2007 have addressed the need for…
  • growth

    Applications for ERC Advanced Grants 2023: Facts and figures

    The ERC Advanced Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 23 May 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals:The ERC received 1,829 proposals. This marks an increase of 11% compared to the 2022 call, when 1,647 applications…
    The ERC Advanced Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 23 May 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals:The ERC received 1,829 proposals. This marks an…
    The ERC Advanced Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 23 May 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals:The ERC received…
    The ERC Advanced Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 23 May 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals:The ERC received 1,829 proposals. This…
    The ERC Advanced Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 23 May 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted…
  • facts and figures

    Applications for ERC Consolidator Grants 2023: Facts and Figures

    The ERC Consolidator Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 2 February 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals:The ERC received 2,130 proposals. This is a decrease of 4.1% compared to the 2022 call when 2,222…
    The ERC Consolidator Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 2 February 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals:The ERC received 2,130 proposals. This is a…
    The ERC Consolidator Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 2 February 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals:The ERC…
    The ERC Consolidator Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 2 February 2023. These are the preliminary data on the submitted proposals:The ERC received 2,130 proposals…
    The ERC Consolidator Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 2 February 2023. These are the preliminary data on the…
  • Facts and figures

    Applications for ERC Synergy Grants 2023: Facts and Figures

    The ERC Synergy Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 8 November 2022.These are the data on submitted proposals:This year the ERC received 395 applications. In total, 1,350 principal investigators with 1,236 host institutions applied. An…
    The ERC Synergy Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 8 November 2022.These are the data on submitted proposals:This year the ERC received 395 applications. In total, 1,350…
    The ERC Synergy Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 8 November 2022.These are the data on submitted proposals:This year the ERC received 395…
    The ERC Synergy Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 8 November 2022.These are the data on submitted proposals:This year the ERC received 395 applications. In total, 1…
    The ERC Synergy Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 8 November 2022.These are the data on submitted proposals:This…
  • Facts and figures

    Starting Grants 2023 applications: Facts and figures

    The ERC Starting Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 25 October 2022. These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals:The ERC received 2,696 applications. This marks a decrease of 8% compared to the previous call in 2022. The…
    The ERC Starting Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 25 October 2022. These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals:The ERC received 2,696 applications. This marks a…
    The ERC Starting Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 25 October 2022. These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals:The ERC received…
    The ERC Starting Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 25 October 2022. These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals:The ERC received 2,696 applications. This…
    The ERC Starting Grants 2023 call closed for applications on 25 October 2022. These are the preliminary data on submitted…