All news

Displaying 81 - 90 of 111
  • Cover image of New opportunities for Singaporean top talent to join European Research Council teams in Europe

    New opportunities for Singaporean top talent to join European Research Council teams in Europe

    A new EU-Singapore initiative will encourage top Singaporean scientists to join research teams funded by the European Research Council (ERC). This agreement with the National Research Foundation Singapore (NRF) is the fourteenth international…
    A new EU-Singapore initiative will encourage top Singaporean scientists to join research teams funded by the European Research Council (ERC). This agreement with the National Research…
    A new EU-Singapore initiative will encourage top Singaporean scientists to join research teams funded by the European Research Council (ERC). This…
    A new EU-Singapore initiative will encourage top Singaporean scientists to join research teams funded by the European Research Council (ERC). This agreement with the National…
    A new EU-Singapore initiative will encourage top Singaporean scientists to join research teams funded by the European…
    Press release
  • Cover image of New competition for ERC Public Engagement with Research Award launched

    New competition for ERC Public Engagement with Research Award launched

    Commissioner Carlos Moedas and ERC President Jean-Pierre Bourguignon have launched today the first competition for ERC Public Engagement with Research Award. The purpose of the award is to recognise ERC grantees who make the effort to engage with…
    Commissioner Carlos Moedas and ERC President Jean-Pierre Bourguignon have launched today the first competition for ERC Public Engagement with Research Award. The purpose of the award…
    Commissioner Carlos Moedas and ERC President Jean-Pierre Bourguignon have launched today the first competition for ERC Public Engagement with…
    Commissioner Carlos Moedas and ERC President Jean-Pierre Bourguignon have launched today the first competition for ERC Public Engagement with Research Award. The purpose of…
    Commissioner Carlos Moedas and ERC President Jean-Pierre Bourguignon have launched today the first competition for ERC…
    Press release
  • Cover image of Open to the world: 51 nationalities among winners of 2019 ERC Starting Grants

    Open to the world: 51 nationalities among winners of 2019 ERC Starting Grants

    Four hundred and eight early-career researchers have been awarded European Research Council grants in this year’s first completed ERC call for proposals. The highly-coveted funding will help individual scientists and scholars to build their own…
    Four hundred and eight early-career researchers have been awarded European Research Council grants in this year’s first completed ERC call for proposals. The highly-coveted funding…
    Four hundred and eight early-career researchers have been awarded European Research Council grants in this year’s first completed ERC call for…
    Four hundred and eight early-career researchers have been awarded European Research Council grants in this year’s first completed ERC call for proposals. The highly-coveted…
    Four hundred and eight early-career researchers have been awarded European Research Council grants in this year’s first…
    Press release
  • Cover image of ERC plans for 2020: More than €2.2 billion for Europe's excellent researchers

    ERC plans for 2020: More than €2.2 billion for Europe's excellent researchers

    The ERC is today announcing its biggest ever annual injection of funding in blue-sky research. €2.2 billion will be made available in 2020 to support some 1,100 top researchers. As in previous years, most of the funding (61%) is earmarked for early-…
    The ERC is today announcing its biggest ever annual injection of funding in blue-sky research. €2.2 billion will be made available in 2020 to support some 1,100 top researchers. As in…
    The ERC is today announcing its biggest ever annual injection of funding in blue-sky research. €2.2 billion will be made available in 2020 to support…
    The ERC is today announcing its biggest ever annual injection of funding in blue-sky research. €2.2 billion will be made available in 2020 to support some 1,100 top…
    The ERC is today announcing its biggest ever annual injection of funding in blue-sky research. €2.2 billion will be made…
    Press release
  • Cover image of Six eminent scientists and scholars appointed to the ERC Scientific Council

    Six eminent scientists and scholars appointed to the ERC Scientific Council

    The European Commission has today appointed six eminent scientists and scholars to the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC), the Scientific Council. It has also renewed the mandates of three current members. All new members have…
    The European Commission has today appointed six eminent scientists and scholars to the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC), the Scientific Council. It has also…
    The European Commission has today appointed six eminent scientists and scholars to the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC), the…
    The European Commission has today appointed six eminent scientists and scholars to the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC), the Scientific Council. It has…
    The European Commission has today appointed six eminent scientists and scholars to the governing body of the European…
    Press release
  • Cover image of ERC Scientific Council welcomes updated guidance on open access

    ERC Scientific Council welcomes updated guidance on open access

    Press release
  • Cover image of ERC Scientific Council statement on the announcement of next ERC President Mauro Ferrari

    ERC Scientific Council statement on the announcement of next ERC President Mauro Ferrari

    Mauro Ferrari has today been appointed by the European Commission to become the next President of the European Research Council (ERC). He will take office on 1 January 2020. On this occasion, the ERC Scientific Council stated:As members of the ERC…
    Mauro Ferrari has today been appointed by the European Commission to become the next President of the European Research Council (ERC). He will take office on 1 January 2020. On this…
    Mauro Ferrari has today been appointed by the European Commission to become the next President of the European Research Council (ERC). He will take…
    Mauro Ferrari has today been appointed by the European Commission to become the next President of the European Research Council (ERC). He will take office on 1 January 2020…
    Mauro Ferrari has today been appointed by the European Commission to become the next President of the European Research…
    Press release
  • Cover image of EU-funded scientists unveil first ever image of a black hole

    EU-funded scientists unveil first ever image of a black hole

    The Commission is today revealing the first ever image of a black hole taken by Event Horizon Telescope, a global scientific collaboration involving EU-funded scientists. This major discovery provides visual evidence for the existence of black holes…
    The Commission is today revealing the first ever image of a black hole taken by Event Horizon Telescope, a global scientific collaboration involving EU-funded scientists. This major…
    The Commission is today revealing the first ever image of a black hole taken by Event Horizon Telescope, a global scientific collaboration involving…
    The Commission is today revealing the first ever image of a black hole taken by Event Horizon Telescope, a global scientific collaboration involving EU-funded scientists…
    The Commission is today revealing the first ever image of a black hole taken by Event Horizon Telescope, a global scientific…
    Press release
  • Cover image of New ERC Vice Presidents and Scientific Council members appointed

    New ERC Vice Presidents and Scientific Council members appointed

    Today, three new members of the European Research Council (ERC)'s governing body, the Scientific Council, have been appointed by the European Commission: Ben L. Feringa, Nobel Prize winner from the University of Groningen; Lene Vestergaard Hau,…
    Today, three new members of the European Research Council (ERC)'s governing body, the Scientific Council, have been appointed by the European Commission: Ben L. Feringa, Nobel Prize…
    Today, three new members of the European Research Council (ERC)'s governing body, the Scientific Council, have been appointed by the European…
    Today, three new members of the European Research Council (ERC)'s governing body, the Scientific Council, have been appointed by the European Commission: Ben L. Feringa,…
    Today, three new members of the European Research Council (ERC)'s governing body, the Scientific Council, have been…
    Press release
  • Cover image of Synergy Grants: €250 million for world class science

    Synergy Grants: €250 million for world class science

    Twenty seven research groups across Europe have won highly-coveted ERC Synergy Grants. Worth in total €250 million, this funding enables groups of two to four lead researchers to bring together complementary skills, knowledge and resources to…
    Twenty seven research groups across Europe have won highly-coveted ERC Synergy Grants. Worth in total €250 million, this funding enables groups of two to four lead researchers to bring…
    Twenty seven research groups across Europe have won highly-coveted ERC Synergy Grants. Worth in total €250 million, this funding enables groups of…
    Twenty seven research groups across Europe have won highly-coveted ERC Synergy Grants. Worth in total €250 million, this funding enables groups of two to four lead…
    Twenty seven research groups across Europe have won highly-coveted ERC Synergy Grants. Worth in total €250 million, this…
    Press release