ERC and national support measures for researchers in Slovenia
15 June 2023
10.00 - 12.00 CEST
European Research Council
ERC and national support measures  for researchers in Slovenia

This webinar is organised by the ERC Executive Agency in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Slovenia and the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency.

The aim is to explain the range of initiatives available for applicants and grantees in Slovenia at ERC level and at national level.

Slovenia joined in 2016 the ERC Visiting Research Fellowships allowing researchers  to visit for a few months an established ERC project in order to increase their potential before they apply for their first ERC grant.

In addition, the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency offers applicants and grantees four supporting instruments: ERC Focus, ERC Perspective, ERC Potential and ERC New Horizons.

Thanks to these measures, in recent years there was a steady increase in the success rates of applicants based in Slovenian Host Institutions.



10:00 - 10:05 | Introduction

  • Andreja Umek Venturini, Senior advisor at the Science and Innovation Directorate, Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

10:05 - 10:30 | Novelties in ERC Work Programme 2024
ERC support measures: Visiting Research Fellowships and Mentoring Initiative - Q&A

10:30 - 11:10 | National support measures - Q&A

  • Mojca Boc, Head of International Cooperation, Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency | Presentation

11:10 - 11:55 | How to benefit from ERC and national support measures: testimonials by ERC grantees - Q&A

11:55 - 12:00 | Closing remarks 

  • Andreja Umek Venturini, Senior advisor at the Science and Innovation Directorate, Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
Speaker’s bios
Head of International Cooperation, Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Head of Laboratory at the Department of Materials Chemistry at National Institute of Chemistry
Group leader at the Department for theoretical physics at Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Senior advisor at the Science and Innovation Directorate, Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

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