ERC publications


Showing results 10 to 20
  • Digital age
    ERC Frontier Research contribution to a Europe fit for the digital age
    This fact sheet provides an overview of the projects relevant for the selected areas of the Europe fit for the digital age. The projects were funded under the Starting Grant (StG), Consolidator Grant (CoG), Advanced Grant (AdG) and Synergy Grant (SyG) schemes launched in the H2020 Framework Programme (2014–2020)
  • Green deal
    ERC Frontier Research contribution to the European Green deal
    This fact sheet provides an overview of the projects relevant for the selected areas of the European Green Deal. The projects were funded under the Starting Grant (StG), Consolidator Grant (CoG), Advanced Grant (AdG) and Synergy Grant (SyG) schemes launched in the H2020 Framework Programme (2014–2020)
  • Mapping ERC Frontier research
    Overview of ERC Frontier Research in H2020
    With the intention to map the breadth and diversity of the research it supports, the ERC analysed the content of the projects funded under the Horizon 2020 (H2020) framework programme (2014-2020) through an in-house developed, nonhierarchical classification system of almost 900 terms. This classification system allows the ERC to capture the scientific essence of funded projects, to highlight interdisciplinary areas and synergies, and to pinpoint the valuable contribution of ERC frontier research to help tackle global challenges.
  • annual report 2021
    Annual report on the ERC activities and achievements in 2021
    This annual report highlights activities and achievements of the ERC in 2021, and some of the wonderful results of the science it funds and the successes of the researchers.
  • annual report 2020
    Annual report on the ERC activities and achievements in 2020
    This Annual Report portrays the results and achievements of the ERC in 2020, a year of loss and a year of hope, but also a year of faith in science and of trust in the researchers and in the European institutions that support them.
  • Covid-19
    COVID-19 Frontier research in the spotlight
    The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an enormous health, economic and societal global impact. In this context, over 180 ongoing or completed ERC projects generate knowledge and technology that contribute to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This ERC portfolio of projects forms part of the extensive EU response to the COVID-19 pandemic as regards to the research and innovation efforts.
  • Sustainability
    Frontier Research: Creating Pathways to Sustainability
    The event will highlight how curiosity-driven research funded by the ERC contributes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It will take stock of relevant research supported by the ERC and will provide a networking forum for ERC-funded researchers as well as for policy-makers.
  • aerospace image
    Aerospace - Spotlight on ERC projects
    This brochure is published on the occasion of the 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS 2019), taking place from 1 to 4 July in Madrid (Spain).
  • Microbiome
    Microobiome - Spotlight on ERC projects
    ‘Microbiome’ is a term used to describe the community of microorganisms and their genetic information that inhabit a confined environmental niche, such as a host organism, soil or the ocean. The microbiome composition varies substantially depending on the environmental niche and can include different bacteria, archaea, fungi and viruses. Research has shown that these communities of microbes play crucial roles in host physiology and development, ecology and evolution.