

ERC Info Day for Widening Participation

July 2024
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ERC at the EU Week of Regions and Cities

The 22nd edition of the EU Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 7 and 10 October in Brussels. At this annual event, cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and…
The 22nd edition of the EU Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 7 and 10 October in Brussels. At this annual event, cities and regions showcase their capacity to create…
The 22nd edition of the EU Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 7 and 10 October in Brussels. At this annual event, cities and regions…
The 22nd edition of the EU Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 7 and 10 October in Brussels. At this annual event, cities and regions showcase their capacity…
The 22nd edition of the EU Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 7 and 10 October in Brussels. At this annual…
7 - 10
October 2024
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