Liselotte Højgaard is a nuclear medicine physician and clinician scientist. She is interested in imaging methodology, PET/CT for oncology and pediatric nuclear medicine. Recently her group has initiated AI for clinical use. Interdisciplinarity in basic, translational and clinical research has been prominent in her work.
She was educated at the University of Copenhagen, and after MD became specialist in clinical physiology and nuclear medicine. Her Dr.Med.Sci. degree was a on gastric mucosal electrophysiology. She is professor at the University of Copenhagen, and adj. professor at DTU, the Technical University of Denmark, where she has initiated a new education as bioengineer in medicine and technology involving both universities and the university hospitals in Copenhagen.
She has had a dual career with positions as Editor-in-Chief of the Danish national medical journal, Ugeskrift for Læger, with membership of ICMJE, the international Committee of Medical Journal Editors, the Vancouver Group, where she chaired the committee in 2000 when the new authorship criteria were developed.
She has held various other distinguished roles, including chairing the EMRC, the European Medical Research Councils, the Horizon 2020 Medical Scientific Advisory Group, and the DNRF, Danish National Research Foundation. She has been Membre du Conseil d’Administration de INSERM in France. She is now member of the board of the Novo Nordisk Foundation in Denmark and of Die Robert Bosch Stiftung in Stuttgart.
She is also a member of ATV, The Academy of Technical Sciences, and of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. She holds a Danish Nighthood 1st class and is Chevalier de l’Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur.
Mandate ERC Scientific Council: 01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2024 (1st term)