Panel members

Panel members play a vital role in the ERC’s evaluation of grant proposals. They are top scientists and scholars coming from all over the world to help ERC select the best project proposals. The ERC's peer review ensures a comprehensive and robust assessment of research proposals. It is organised in three research domains and, currently, in 28 panels.

This webpage provides information about the panel members who took part in the completed ERC grant competitions, and about panel chairs, both past and currently serving.

Note to applicants:
This information is given for reasons of transparency. Applicants, potential applicants, or potential host institutions must not contact reviewers. If they do so before the publication of the list of panel members and communication of the results, the applications will be rejected on the grounds of a breach of research integrity.



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Review panels
(LS) Life Sciences
(PE) Physical Sciences & Engineering
(SH) Social Sciences & Humanities
(SyG) Synergy Grants
Funding schemes
Showing results 601 - 650 of 8737
Review panelFunding schemesReview panel member name2024202320222021202020192018201720162015
LS3 CoG Florian Greten
LS3 CoG Crisanto Gutierrez
LS3 CoG Petra Hajkova
LS3 CoG Johanna Ivaska
LS3 CoG Olli Jänne
LS3 CoG Gerd Jürgens
LS3 CoG Lukas Christiaan Kapitein
LS3 CoG Lukas Kapitein
LS3 CoG Adi Kimchi
LS3 CoG Carla Koehler
LS3 CoG Jane Alison Langdale
LS3 CoG Thomas Langer
LS3 CoG Patrick Lemaire
LS3 CoG Patrick Michel Lemaire
LS3 CoG Karin Ljung
LS3 CoG Xin Lu
LS3 CoG Sophie Martin
LS3 CoG Alfonso Martinez Arias
LS3 CoG Rebecca Matsa
LS3 CoG Rebecca Matsas
LS3 CoG Helen McNeill
LS3 CoG Monica Nister
LS3 CoG Michael B. O'Connor
LS3 CoG Michael O'Connor
LS3 CoG Nancy Papalopulu
LS3 CoG Antoine Hendrik Felix Marie Peters
LS3 CoG Antoine Peters
LS3 CoG Francesc Posas
LS3 CoG Marco Sandri
LS3 CoG Charalambos Savakis
LS3 CoG Ben Scheres
LS3 CoG Tai-Ping Sun
LS3 CoG Elly Tanaka
LS3 CoG Irma Thesleff
LS3 CoG Pavel Tomancak
LS3 CoG Keiko Torii
LS3 CoG Militiades Tsiantis
LS3 CoG Miltos Tsiantis
LS3 CoG Andreas Villunger
LS3 CoG Karen Vousden
LS3 CoG Peter Walter
LS3 CoG Karsten Weis
LS3 CoG James M. Wells
LS3 StG Markus Affolter
LS3 StG Patrizia Agostinis
LS3 StG Anna Akhmanova
LS3 StG Anna Sergeevna Akhmanova
LS3 StG Michalis Averof
LS3 StG Sina Bartfeld
LS3 StG Buzz Baum