The ERC Scientific Council is entrusted by the legislation establishing Horizon 2020 with the task to monitor quality of operations; to evaluate programme implementation and achievements and to make recommendations for future actions.
The Standing Committee for Programme Impact Monitoring and Evaluation (SC PRIME) was created in February 2019 at the recommendation of the Scientific Council Working Group on Key Performance Indicators, which was active between 2013 and 2018.
By delegation of the Scientific Council, SC PRIME is responsible for:
- Guiding the implementation of the ERC Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy and review the outcome of the performed activities, including programme resource allocation;
- Consolidating, prioritizing and presenting to the Scientific Council new proposals for monitoring and evaluation activities, in particular concerning the assessment of the scientific impact of the programme;
- Considering and recommending updates of the ERC overall scientific strategy on the basis of findings coming from studies commissioned under its responsibility;
- Considering and proposing further adjustments to the ERC Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy based on experience and best practices of other research funding organisations, and taking into account legislative changes, when appropriate.
The ERC Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy (revised in 2018) has five objectives further structured along 15 dimensions. The core objective "Knowledge" corresponds to the ERC mission as defined by legislation, which has at its core the creation of radically new knowledge. The other four objectives correspond to the ERC expectations related to impact on researchers, structural impact, socio-economic impact and operational performance.
- Jesper Svejstrup (chair)
- Gerd Gigerenzer
- Dirk Inze
- Eystein Jansen
- Chryssa Kouveliotou
- Maria Leptin
- Torsten Persson
ERC Executive Agency secretariat: Elena Toma, Unit Support to the Scientific Council
Previous working group on Key Performance Indicators