Rodrigo Martins
Current position
Full Professor at FCT-NOVA

Rodrigo Martins is the President of the European Academy of Sciences; President elected of the International Union of Materials Research Societies; and Full Professor at FCT-NOVA. He is a Member of the Portuguese Academy of Engineering, Portuguese Order of Engineers, OE, as well as the Board of Admission and Qualification of OE. 

Rodrigo Martins is the founder and director of the Centre of Excellence in Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Processes of Uninova; leader of the Materials, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies group of I3N/CENIMAT and its sub-director; member of the nomination committee of the EIT KIC Raw Materials, Editor in Chief of the journal Discover Materials.

He is an expert in the field of advanced functional materials, nanotechnologies, microelectronics, transparent electronics (pioneer) and paper electronics (inventor), with more than 575 papers published in WoK; Member of the Steering Committee of European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies, EuMat; Joint Innovation Centre for Advanced Material Sino-Portuguese; administration board of the Nature journal: npj 2D Materials and Applications.

Rodrigo Martins was decorated with the gold medal of merit and distinction by the Almada Municipality for his R&D achievements, in 2016. He has received more than 18 international and national prizes and distinctions for his scientific work.

Mandate ERC Scientific Council: 01 Jan 2021 - 03 Feb  2022 (1st term)