
Displaying 1 - 10 of 2406

ERC at the EU Week of Regions and Cities

The 22nd edition of the EU Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 7 and 10 October in Brussels. At this annual event, cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and…
The 22nd edition of the EU Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 7 and 10 October in Brussels. At this annual event, cities and regions showcase their capacity to create…
The 22nd edition of the EU Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 7 and 10 October in Brussels. At this annual event, cities and regions…
The 22nd edition of the EU Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 7 and 10 October in Brussels. At this annual event, cities and regions showcase their capacity…
The 22nd edition of the EU Week of Regions and Cities will take place between 7 and 10 October in Brussels. At this annual…
October 2024
09 Jul 2024
The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities, budgets of the calls, the calendar of grant competition and conditions for ERC funding. The document had been drafted and…
The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities, budgets of the calls, the calendar of grant competition and…
The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities, budgets of the calls, the…
The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities, budgets of the calls, the calendar of grant…
The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities,…
04 Jul 2024
Three of the ERC’s upcoming grant competitions to be launched in 2024 will be open to researchers based in Swiss entities. The European Commission’s decision on eligibility for ERC calls has been taken in the context of the ongoing negotiations…
Three of the ERC’s upcoming grant competitions to be launched in 2024 will be open to researchers based in Swiss entities. The European Commission’s decision on eligibility for ERC…
Three of the ERC’s upcoming grant competitions to be launched in 2024 will be open to researchers based in Swiss entities. The European Commission’s…
Three of the ERC’s upcoming grant competitions to be launched in 2024 will be open to researchers based in Swiss entities. The European Commission’s decision on eligibility…
Three of the ERC’s upcoming grant competitions to be launched in 2024 will be open to researchers based in Swiss entities…
Elvan Böke
26 Jun 2024
The EMBO Gold Medal 2024 has been awarded to Elvan Böke from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, for her pioneering research on physiological mechanisms that enable female germ cells, oocytes, to stay healthy over decades of…
The EMBO Gold Medal 2024 has been awarded to Elvan Böke from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, for her pioneering research on physiological mechanisms that enable…
The EMBO Gold Medal 2024 has been awarded to Elvan Böke from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, for her pioneering research on…
The EMBO Gold Medal 2024 has been awarded to Elvan Böke from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, for her pioneering research on physiological mechanisms…
The EMBO Gold Medal 2024 has been awarded to Elvan Böke from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, for her…
20 Jun 2024
Oceans play a crucial role in regulating our climate by trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While most scientists believe this process mainly occurs in temperate and polar oceans, Sophie Bonnet has discovered the tropical ocean's surprising…
Oceans play a crucial role in regulating our climate by trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While most scientists believe this process mainly occurs in temperate and polar…
Oceans play a crucial role in regulating our climate by trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While most scientists believe this process…
Oceans play a crucial role in regulating our climate by trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While most scientists believe this process mainly occurs in temperate and…
Oceans play a crucial role in regulating our climate by trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While most scientists…

ERC Scientific Council gathers in Bergen, Norway

From 26-28 June, the University of Bergen (UiB) is hosting the plenary meeting of the ERC Scientific Council. This is the second time the ERC’s governing body convenes in Norway since the EU established the ERC in 2007.The visit is an opportunity…
From 26-28 June, the University of Bergen (UiB) is hosting the plenary meeting of the ERC Scientific Council. This is the second time the ERC’s governing body convenes in Norway since…
From 26-28 June, the University of Bergen (UiB) is hosting the plenary meeting of the ERC Scientific Council. This is the second time the ERC’s…
From 26-28 June, the University of Bergen (UiB) is hosting the plenary meeting of the ERC Scientific Council. This is the second time the ERC’s governing body convenes in…
From 26-28 June, the University of Bergen (UiB) is hosting the plenary meeting of the ERC Scientific Council. This is the…
Bergen, Norway
June 2024

ERC Info Day for Widening Participation

Research support teams at universities or other institutions play a key role in the process of applying for ERC grants. They can help researchers and scholars build competitive grant proposals. That's why the ERC is hosting this info session for…
Research support teams at universities or other institutions play a key role in the process of applying for ERC grants. They can help researchers and scholars build competitive grant…
Research support teams at universities or other institutions play a key role in the process of applying for ERC grants. They can help researchers and…
Research support teams at universities or other institutions play a key role in the process of applying for ERC grants. They can help researchers and scholars build…
Research support teams at universities or other institutions play a key role in the process of applying for ERC grants. They…
July 2024
Kavli-Sara Seager
13 Jun 2024
Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has won the 2024 Kavli Award in Astrophysics. She will share the prize with David Charbonneau from Harvard University.
Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has won the 2024 Kavli Award in Astrophysics. She will share the prize with David Charbonneau from Harvard University.
Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has won the 2024 Kavli Award in Astrophysics. She will share the prize with David…
Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has won the 2024 Kavli Award in Astrophysics. She will share the prize with David Charbonneau from Harvard…
Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has won the 2024 Kavli Award in Astrophysics. She will share the…