
Displaying 41 - 50 of 74
Cover image of 313 new ERC Consolidator Grants to tackle big scientific questions
17 Mar 2022
The statistics of this call and lists of researchers selected for funding have been amended.See updated results.
The statistics of this call and lists of researchers selected for funding have been amended.See updated results.
The statistics of this call and lists of researchers selected for funding have been amended.See updated results.
The statistics of this call and lists of researchers selected for funding have been amended.See updated results.
The statistics of this call and lists of researchers selected for funding have been amended.See updated results.
Cover image of Proof of Concept 2021 highlighted projects
07 Feb 2022
The latest ERC Proof of Concept funded projects are as always, extremely varied. We focus below on examples linked to preventing harmful adolescent behaviour, sustainable wastewater treatment, an app to help musicians learn how to play in a group,…
The latest ERC Proof of Concept funded projects are as always, extremely varied. We focus below on examples linked to preventing harmful adolescent behaviour, sustainable wastewater…
The latest ERC Proof of Concept funded projects are as always, extremely varied. We focus below on examples linked to preventing harmful adolescent…
The latest ERC Proof of Concept funded projects are as always, extremely varied. We focus below on examples linked to preventing harmful adolescent behaviour, sustainable…
The latest ERC Proof of Concept funded projects are as always, extremely varied. We focus below on examples linked to…
Cover image of €25 million to edge frontier research closer to market
07 Feb 2022
166 researchers funded by the ERC have won Proof of Concept Grants. Worth €150,000 each, this top-up funding will help them bridge the gap between the results of their pioneering research and the early phases of its commercialisation.
166 researchers funded by the ERC have won Proof of Concept Grants. Worth €150,000 each, this top-up funding will help them bridge the gap between the results of their pioneering…
166 researchers funded by the ERC have won Proof of Concept Grants. Worth €150,000 each, this top-up funding will help them bridge the gap between…
166 researchers funded by the ERC have won Proof of Concept Grants. Worth €150,000 each, this top-up funding will help them bridge the gap between the results of their…
166 researchers funded by the ERC have won Proof of Concept Grants. Worth €150,000 each, this top-up funding will help them…
Cover image of ERC Calls 2023 – Tentative Dates
02 Feb 2022
After two rounds of ERC grant competitions that followed an untypical schedule, the ERC intends to return to a normal calendar of calls under the Work Programme 2023. That Programme has yet to be approved, so the dates of the calls are still…
After two rounds of ERC grant competitions that followed an untypical schedule, the ERC intends to return to a normal calendar of calls under the Work Programme 2023. That Programme…
After two rounds of ERC grant competitions that followed an untypical schedule, the ERC intends to return to a normal calendar of calls under the…
After two rounds of ERC grant competitions that followed an untypical schedule, the ERC intends to return to a normal calendar of calls under the Work Programme 2023. That…
After two rounds of ERC grant competitions that followed an untypical schedule, the ERC intends to return to a normal…
Cover image of ERC-funded research wins most of new EU innovation grants
17 Jan 2022
25 out of 42 recipients of the European Innovation Council’s new “Transition” funding originated from research funded by the ERC. The new grants will help take breakthrough technologies from the lab into the real world.On 17 January 2022, the…
25 out of 42 recipients of the European Innovation Council’s new “Transition” funding originated from research funded by the ERC. The new grants will help take breakthrough…
25 out of 42 recipients of the European Innovation Council’s new “Transition” funding originated from research funded by the ERC. The new grants will…
25 out of 42 recipients of the European Innovation Council’s new “Transition” funding originated from research funded by the ERC. The new grants will help take breakthrough…
25 out of 42 recipients of the European Innovation Council’s new “Transition” funding originated from research funded by the…
Cover image of Starting Grants 2022 applications: Facts and figures
17 Jan 2022
The ERC Starting Grants 2022 call closed for applications on 13 January 2022.These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals:The ERC received 2,932 applications. This marks a decrease of 28% compared to the Starting Grants call in 2021 and…
The ERC Starting Grants 2022 call closed for applications on 13 January 2022.These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals:The ERC received 2,932 applications. This marks a…
The ERC Starting Grants 2022 call closed for applications on 13 January 2022.These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals:The ERC received 2…
The ERC Starting Grants 2022 call closed for applications on 13 January 2022.These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals:The ERC received 2,932 applications. This…
The ERC Starting Grants 2022 call closed for applications on 13 January 2022.These are the preliminary data on submitted…
Cover image of Synergy Grants applications: Facts and figures
25 Nov 2021
The ERC Synergy Grants 2022 call closed for applications on 10 November 2021.These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals.This year the ERC received 358 applications. In total, 1,192 principal investigators from 1,041 host institutions…
The ERC Synergy Grants 2022 call closed for applications on 10 November 2021.These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals.This year the ERC received 358 applications. In total…
The ERC Synergy Grants 2022 call closed for applications on 10 November 2021.These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals.This year the ERC…
The ERC Synergy Grants 2022 call closed for applications on 10 November 2021.These are the preliminary data on submitted proposals.This year the ERC received 358 applications…
The ERC Synergy Grants 2022 call closed for applications on 10 November 2021.These are the preliminary data on submitted…
Cover image of 3rd round recipients of 2020 - Proof of Concept call funding
07 Jan 2021
Helping conflict resolution by sharing cultural expertiseMulticultural communities need cultural expertise to solve conflicts. Currently, this knowledge is not available outside specialised circles of legal professionals who offer niche and…
Helping conflict resolution by sharing cultural expertiseMulticultural communities need cultural expertise to solve conflicts. Currently, this knowledge is not available outside…
Helping conflict resolution by sharing cultural expertiseMulticultural communities need cultural expertise to solve conflicts. Currently, this…
Helping conflict resolution by sharing cultural expertiseMulticultural communities need cultural expertise to solve conflicts. Currently, this knowledge is not available…
Helping conflict resolution by sharing cultural expertiseMulticultural communities need cultural expertise to solve…