This online info session on how to apply for ERC funding is part of a series of eight webinars for researchers based in different countries and regions outside Europe. The webinars are organised by the European Research Council and the Euraxess Worldwide Network.
In this session, ERC grantees will share their experiences and give personal advice to potential applicants while an ERC National Contact Point (NCP) will briefly explain their role and present the activities they regularly organize to help researchers succeed in submitting a project to the ERC. In addition, a representative of host institutions based in Europe will give an overview of the support they can provide to potential applicants.
The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session with the audience.
Moderated by Daniel Costa, Euraxess LAC
- Gabriel Ulyssea, ERC grantee
- Rui Munhá, NCP Portugal
- Moacyr Martucci Jr., ERC NCP Brazil
Watch the recording