Calls for Tender are procedures applied to generate offers from companies competing for works, supply or service contracts in the framework of public procurement. This section includes calls for tenders related to the ERCEA activities.
Calls for Tender, contract awards and pre-information notices can also be found online on Tender Electronic Daily (TED), the electronic version of the supplement S to the Official Journal of the European Union.
The tender specifications published on this web page might exceptionally be complemented by an addendum/corrigendum. In such a case, this information will be published at the latest six days before the deadline for tender submission. You are therefore invited to consult the site regularly.
Ex-ante publication - Negotiated Procedure for “Media monitoring and analysis”
CLOSED: this call for tender will be not launched
Reference: ERCEA/2023/MVP/0027
The purpose of this tender is to purchase access to an electronic platform and the related services for the monitoring and analysis of online and social media coverage of the European Research Council (ERC) and its activities. This user-friendly platform should enable ERCEA staff to monitor and analyse online and social media coverage daily. Related services must include appropriate training sessions, the setting up and improvement of search strings, as well as timely technical assistance.
The contract to be concluded will be a direct service contract for a maximum duration of 48 months (initial contract period of 12 months followed by three possible renewals of 12 months each).
Condition for participation - Access to procurement
Participation in this call for tenders is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons coming within the scope of the Treaties, as well as to international organisations. It is also open to all natural and legal persons established in a third country provided that it has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement. The Agreement on Government Procurement concluded within the World Trade Organisation does not apply. Therefore, the participation to this call for tenders is not open to natural and legal persons established in the countries that have ratified this Agreement.
Maximum value of the contract: EUR 100 000 (VAT excluded) for the whole duration of the contract (i.e. initial contract period of 12 months and 3 possible renewals of 12 months each)
Deadline to show interest for this call for tender: 15/06/2023 at 00:00
Indicative date for sending the invitation to tender to all candidates: between 16/06/2023 and 19/06/2023
Ex-ante publicity on eSubmission: