Panel members

Panel members play a vital role in the ERC’s evaluation of grant proposals. They are top scientists and scholars coming from all over the world to help ERC select the best project proposals. The ERC's peer review ensures a comprehensive and robust assessment of research proposals. It is organised in three research domains and, currently, in 28 panels.

This webpage provides information about the panel members who took part in the completed ERC grant competitions, and about panel chairs, both past and currently serving.

Note to applicants:
This information is given for reasons of transparency. Applicants, potential applicants, or potential host institutions must not contact reviewers. If they do so before the publication of the list of panel members and communication of the results, the applications will be rejected on the grounds of a breach of research integrity.



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Review panels
(LS) Life Sciences
(PE) Physical Sciences & Engineering
(SH) Social Sciences & Humanities
(SyG) Synergy Grants
Funding schemes
Showing results 51 - 100 of 8737
Review panelFunding schemesReview panel member name2024202320222021202020192018201720162015
LS SyG Maria Leptin
LS SyG Elsebeth Lynge
LS SyG Rafael Maldonado
LS SyG Carina Mallard
LS SyG Soren Kragh Moestrup
LS SyG Maria Mota
LS SyG Susanne Mueller-Knapp
LS SyG Paola Muti
LS SyG Ferenc Nagy
LS SyG Yaakov Nahmias
LS SyG M.Angela Nieto
LS SyG Poul Nissen
LS SyG Vojtech Novotny
LS SyG Vasilis Ntziachristos
LS SyG Zoltan Nusser
LS SyG Fergal O'Gara
LS SyG Moshe Oren
LS SyG Ole Petter Ottersen
LS SyG Tracy Palmer
LS SyG Margaret Pericak-Vance
LS SyG Karlheinz Peter
LS SyG Nikolaus Pfanner
LS SyG Vera Popovic-Brkic
LS SyG Craig Primmer
LS SyG Ana Cristina Rego
LS SyG Anne Ridley
LS SyG Ruth-Anne Sandaa
LS SyG Veronika Sexl
LS SyG Dominique Soldati-Favre
LS SyG Ludvig M Sollid
LS SyG Ludvig M. Sollid
LS SyG Bart Staels
LS SyG Leonidas Stefanis
LS SyG Molly Stevens
LS SyG Gert Storm
LS SyG Birte Svensson
LS SyG Eors Szathmary
LS SyG Iannis Talianidis
LS SyG Clotilde Thery
LS SyG Sharon Tooze
LS SyG Xavier Trepat
LS SyG Alfonso Valencia
LS SyG Christine Van Broeckhoven
LS SyG Veronica van Heyningen
LS SyG Yvette van Kooyk
LS SyG Nuria Verdaguer
LS SyG Marie-Helene Verlhac
LS SyG Eric Vivier
LS SyG Erwin Wagner
LS SyG Fiona Watt