All news

Displaying 1 - 10 of 111
  • WP2025

    ERC Work Programme 2025 adopted

    The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities, budgets of the calls, the calendar of grant competition and conditions for ERC funding. The document had been drafted and…
    The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities, budgets of the calls, the calendar of grant competition and…
    The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities, budgets of the calls, the…
    The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities, budgets of the calls, the calendar of grant…
    The 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council has been adopted. The Programme sets out funding opportunities,…
    Press release
  • Elvan Böke

    ERC grantee Elvan Böke receives EMBO Gold Medal 2024

    The EMBO Gold Medal 2024 has been awarded to Elvan Böke from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, for her pioneering research on physiological mechanisms that enable female germ cells, oocytes, to stay healthy over decades of…
    The EMBO Gold Medal 2024 has been awarded to Elvan Böke from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, for her pioneering research on physiological mechanisms that enable…
    The EMBO Gold Medal 2024 has been awarded to Elvan Böke from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, for her pioneering research on…
    The EMBO Gold Medal 2024 has been awarded to Elvan Böke from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, for her pioneering research on physiological mechanisms…
    The EMBO Gold Medal 2024 has been awarded to Elvan Böke from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, for her…
    Press release
  • Kavli-Sara Seager

    The Kavli 2024 Prize in Astrophysics goes to ERC grantee Sara Seager

    Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has won the 2024 Kavli Award in Astrophysics. She will share the prize with David Charbonneau from Harvard University.
    Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has won the 2024 Kavli Award in Astrophysics. She will share the prize with David Charbonneau from Harvard University.
    Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has won the 2024 Kavli Award in Astrophysics. She will share the prize with David…
    Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has won the 2024 Kavli Award in Astrophysics. She will share the prize with David Charbonneau from Harvard…
    Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has won the 2024 Kavli Award in Astrophysics. She will share the…
    Press release
  • Extra €125 million for the ERC in 2024

    Extra €125 million for the ERC in 2024

    The European Commission has allocated an additional 125 million euro to the ERC’s 2024 budget. The extra money comes from the association of the United Kingdom to Horizon Europe and allows to fund another 48 Advanced Grants this year.The amendment…
    The European Commission has allocated an additional 125 million euro to the ERC’s 2024 budget. The extra money comes from the association of the United Kingdom to Horizon Europe and…
    The European Commission has allocated an additional 125 million euro to the ERC’s 2024 budget. The extra money comes from the association of the…
    The European Commission has allocated an additional 125 million euro to the ERC’s 2024 budget. The extra money comes from the association of the United Kingdom to Horizon…
    The European Commission has allocated an additional 125 million euro to the ERC’s 2024 budget. The extra money comes from…
    Press release
  • AdG2023

    ERC Advanced Grants: €652 million for leading researchers in Europe

    The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 255 outstanding research leaders in Europe set to be awarded ERC Advanced Grants. The funding is amongst the EU’s most prestigious and competitive, providing leading senior researchers…
    The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 255 outstanding research leaders in Europe set to be awarded ERC Advanced Grants. The funding is amongst the EU’s most…
    The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 255 outstanding research leaders in Europe set to be awarded ERC Advanced Grants. The…
    The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 255 outstanding research leaders in Europe set to be awarded ERC Advanced Grants. The funding is amongst the EU…
    The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 255 outstanding research leaders in Europe set to be awarded…
  • Report: ERC has invested over €2 billion in AI research since 2007

    Report: ERC has invested over €2 billion in AI research since 2007

    Since its inception in 2007, the European Research Council (ERC) has invested more than €2 billion in frontier research on artificial intelligence (AI), according to a new report. The funding contributed to advancing cutting-edge AI technologies and…
    Since its inception in 2007, the European Research Council (ERC) has invested more than €2 billion in frontier research on artificial intelligence (AI), according to a new report. The…
    Since its inception in 2007, the European Research Council (ERC) has invested more than €2 billion in frontier research on artificial intelligence …
    Since its inception in 2007, the European Research Council (ERC) has invested more than €2 billion in frontier research on artificial intelligence (AI), according to a new…
    Since its inception in 2007, the European Research Council (ERC) has invested more than €2 billion in frontier research on…
    Press release
  • Crawford

    The Crafoord Prize 2024 goes to three ERC grantees for their pioneering contributions to astronomy and mathematics

    Conny Aerts and Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard – both ERC grantees – and Douglas Gough won the Prize for their techniques that unveiled the hidden intricacies within the sun and stars. Claire Voisin, also an ERC grantee, has been recognised for her…
    Conny Aerts and Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard – both ERC grantees – and Douglas Gough won the Prize for their techniques that unveiled the hidden intricacies within the sun and stars…
    Conny Aerts and Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard – both ERC grantees – and Douglas Gough won the Prize for their techniques that unveiled the hidden…
    Conny Aerts and Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard – both ERC grantees – and Douglas Gough won the Prize for their techniques that unveiled the hidden intricacies within the sun…
    Conny Aerts and Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard – both ERC grantees – and Douglas Gough won the Prize for their techniques that…
    Press release
  • 240 researchers supported to turn their science into practice

    240 researchers supported to turn their science into practice

    The European Research Council (ERC) has announced another 102 Proof of Concept grants, bringing the total number of researchers receiving such funding to 240 in last year’s three competition rounds. Each grant is worth €150,000 and helps ERC…
    The European Research Council (ERC) has announced another 102 Proof of Concept grants, bringing the total number of researchers receiving such funding to 240 in last year’s three…
    The European Research Council (ERC) has announced another 102 Proof of Concept grants, bringing the total number of researchers receiving such…
    The European Research Council (ERC) has announced another 102 Proof of Concept grants, bringing the total number of researchers receiving such funding to 240 in last year’s…
    The European Research Council (ERC) has announced another 102 Proof of Concept grants, bringing the total number of…
  • ERC President Maria Leptin's speech at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

    New ERC Scientific Council member and new ERC Vice President

    The European Commission has today appointed Professor Torsten Persson, a distinguished economist, as new member of the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC), the Scientific Council. Current member Professor Gerd Gigerenzer has been…
    The European Commission has today appointed Professor Torsten Persson, a distinguished economist, as new member of the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC), the…
    The European Commission has today appointed Professor Torsten Persson, a distinguished economist, as new member of the governing body of the European…
    The European Commission has today appointed Professor Torsten Persson, a distinguished economist, as new member of the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC),…
    The European Commission has today appointed Professor Torsten Persson, a distinguished economist, as new member of the…
    Press release
  • SYG2023

    ERC Synergy Grants back 37 teams to tackle complex scientific questions

    Is it possible to mitigate the risk of surprise volcanic disasters? Do bats hold the secret of health and longevity? Can speech analysis predict and prevent mental psychotic episodes? And how do plants sense water and can this help us design climate…
    Is it possible to mitigate the risk of surprise volcanic disasters? Do bats hold the secret of health and longevity? Can speech analysis predict and prevent mental psychotic episodes?…
    Is it possible to mitigate the risk of surprise volcanic disasters? Do bats hold the secret of health and longevity? Can speech analysis predict and…
    Is it possible to mitigate the risk of surprise volcanic disasters? Do bats hold the secret of health and longevity? Can speech analysis predict and prevent mental psychotic…
    Is it possible to mitigate the risk of surprise volcanic disasters? Do bats hold the secret of health and longevity? Can…